The planting of the vineyard began in 1997. Hillcrest's shallow, limestone-clay soils and warm southern exposure are ideally suited to growing wine grapes. Today it is operated by Reginald and Maude Parsons' great grandson, Chad Day. RoxyAnn estate wines are made from the extraordinary Bordeaux and Rhone varietals grown on the property.

Grandsons of Hillcrest founder Reginald Parsons, brothers Jud and George Parsons, along with their cousin Hugh Brady joined forces and created Century Farm Fruit Growers and now manage the tree fruit on the estate. They currently grow Bartlett, Bosc, Comice, and Starkcrimson pears as well as apples and peaches. In season fruit can be purchased on the estate at the Honor Barn. Gift boxes can be ordered in November and December.

Jack Day, grandson of Hillcrest founder Reginald Parsons, saw the potential of grape growing on the historic Hillcrest Orchard and oversaw the planting of the original 20 acres on the southwest slopes of Roxy Ann Peak in 1997. Currently managed by his son, Chad Day, the winery continues to produce some of the best wines in the Rogue Valley. The RoxyAnn Tasting Room is located in the renovated historic barn where visitors can enjoy wine and views of the estate and RoxyAnn Peak.